Training & ProgramsExpand all
- What is in-board training?
In-board training is a method of training, where we board your dog at our facility for the duration of the training process. Our programs enable your dog to learn commands quickly and effectively. Having your dog participate in daily training sessions is a key component to the success of our training. With consistent and countless repetition of commands, we accomplish much more than a once-per-week program.
- Why consider in-board training?
It is the most efficient and effective method of dog training. When a dog is going to perform a critical task such as guide dog for the blind, detection for explosives/narcotics, and other important tasks - the dog is trained by a professional and then turned over to their handler with training. It is highly successful and the same process we use for boot camp training. Our trainers will train more dogs in a month than the average person will own in a lifetime. Our experience of training dogs and coaching owners is time proven.
In a four-week program, your dog will participate in over 60+ training sessions ranging from obedience, confidence building, physical conditioning, and etiquette/manners training. It would take 15 months of weekly private sessions and cost $7,700* to complete the same amount of training. In an eight-week program, your dog will participate in 120+ sessions.
It would take 30 months and on average costing $15,399* to complete the same amount of training in a private training class. This also means you the owner would be investing hundreds of hours of your own time, gas, and efforts with the possibility your dog will not obtain your goal or objectives.
*Cost comparison is an average taken from 3 separate dog training companies in Minneapolis, MN; as of January 2019.
- How would you describe your training methods?
We use all four quadrants of operant conditioning. Two complementary motivations play a role of instrumental learning:
The maximization of positive outcomes and the minimization of negative outcomes. During the learning phase we go through hundreds of repetitions of each command using positive reinforcement (R+) along with verbal markers to teach the dog what the commands mean. After a dog has a clear understanding of the commands and is motivated to follow them, we transition into the proofing and generalization stage of training. This is when we begin to hold them accountable, by only rewarding the right responses to commands (R+), and only rewarding good behavior(s). Further we attach negative consequences through positive punishment (P+) by applying corrections for not following a command or for engaging in unwanted behavior(s).
By going through the learning process at the Academy, your dog will not only learn how to follow commands, but more importantly, its actions can control the environment- an outcome that makes learning itself intrinsically rewarding. Our training process is scientifically proven to be highly effective for training animals (and humans).
- Do you use corrective collars in your training?
Yes. However, we believe in first teaching the dog what is expected through positive motivation and positive reinforcement before any corrective collars are introduced. There are three phases of dog training: acquiring information (learning), proofing or ensuring the dog understands the command, and generalizing (proficiency through consistent execution). It is third phase of training that we use the electronic collar to proof and generalize responses to commands.
Over the years we have received hundreds of dogs that have gone through 'Positive Reinforcement Only' training courses that have failed at addressing unwanted behaviors. This is because ignoring an unwanted behavior will NOT make it go away, and we cannot reward away unwanted behaviors. For a negative behavior to be extinguished, a negative consequence needs to be applied.
We reward the good behaviors, apply a correction to the unwanted behaviors, and proof responses to commands by use of a corrective collar, AFTER a dog has learned what the commands mean, and AFTER it has performed them several hundred times. We use a corrective collar as a management tool, and to emphasize control, not inflict pain.
- What is clicker training? How is it different from your training?
Clicker training is a method of marking behavior with a sound (click) followed by a secondary reinforcer (treat). We use markers; however, we prefer to use words for markers rather than clickers, whistles, or other devices. Going home your dog will learn to respond to verbal commands and verbal markers. Clicking a clicker or offering food or treats simply will not stop your dog from chasing down a squirrel. Our training program is effective regardless of clickers or squirrels.
- How early can I enroll my dog for training?
- What is the difference between Puppy Camp and Boot Camp?
Puppy camp is for dogs 4 - 12 months of age. If a dog is 12 months or older, it would enroll in the Boot Camp course. Puppy camp is offered in a 4-week course because it is a fundamentals course for young dogs. We do not offer a 4-week option for dogs 12+ months of age, because by this stage of life, a dog will have established behaviors that will take more time and training experiences to address.
- What is the day like at boot camp? Do you train every day?
Boot Camp training and activities are 7 days a week from camp start to graduation. The daily schedule will vary depending on time of day for activities, and duration of exercises depending on where a dog is at in the training process and weather conditions. If weather is not ideal for working outdoors, we have a climate controlled indoor training center onsite, designed specifically for dogs and dog related activities.
Daily Schedule:
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM Bathroom & Play time
8:30 AM – 11:00 AM Obedience training and activities
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Bathroom & Play time
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Obedience, treadmill, and nature hikes,
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Bathroom & Play time
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Feeding & rest
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Treadmill Training & Physical conditioning
8:00 PM – 9:30 PM Bathroom & Play time
9:30 PM – Lights out (bedtime).
The time or duration of play groups will vary, depending on weather conditions, outdoor temperature, and seasons. On average play groups are 20 minutes in length. This is to provide enough time for a bathroom break, play time, and a recess for the dogs in between training sessions, distraction proofing drills, nature hikes, or other daily activities.
- If you do the training, will my dog still perform the commands at home?
Yes. However, you also will need training which is a big part of the success of our course. Owner follow through of commands, correcting unwanted behaviors, and rewarding your dog for making the right decisions, will be necessary for your dog's training to last a lifetime. We will teach you the commands, hand signals, and protocol for what to do if your dog does not immediately respond to a command. Upon course completion, you will receive a YouTube link of your dog performing the commands, written go-home instructions, and hands-on training with you and your dog. After your dog returns home, we also include two hours of follow-up handler training.
Just as police dogs and service dogs are trained by professionals and then turned over to their handler (with training), we complete the training and turn your dog over to you (with training).
- What training is provided for the owner(s)?
Written instruction sent at the beginning of the course.
A private YouTube video (seminar) of go-home instructions.
Graduation Handler Training is a seminar, and hands-on workshop. This handler training is in-person, hands-on, and required of owners that enroll their dog. We teach how and when to use the commands, how a dog will continue to learn lifelong, and the owner's role of influencing and reinforcing their dog's behavior returning home. We also teach owners about self-reinforced behavior and how to stop a dog from returning to old or bad habits from life before camp. The first portion of the seminar is a presentation and overview of the commands, proper use of equipment, and how to successfully reunite with the dog. The second part of the day is hands-on instruction; each owner will become reacquainted with their dog, we will work hands-on going through a variety of exercises, commands, and drills so that by the end of handler training, each dog and their owner will be up to speed with commands and working together. The success of our camp comes in two forms; training for the dogs AND training for the owners.
- If I enroll my dog for the 4-week or 8-week camp, can my dog return at a later date to advance training further?
Yes, we refer to this as Continued Education (CE). The cost for the 8-week or 12-week programs is discounted, so breaking up the training into two 4-week sessions, or an 8-week and 4-week session will cost more, however, we gladly accept dogs for continued education. CE camps begin on the same dates as puppy camp and boot camp.
Note: The price of each camp is based on the hard costs associated with the program. Each camp involves a contract, processing payment, a behavioral questionnaire, health forms, preparing space for the campers, setting up a clean enclosure/crate, preparing bowls, buckets, training equipment, plus the time/resources for intake/arrival, introduction to the pack, formalities for getting the campers settled/re-acquainted, inventory/checklists of items (food, chews, preventatives), videos for graduation, handler training, invoicing, and more. All of this doubles when it is two separate camps, which is why it costs more to break them up.
Behavioral or dog specific:Expand all
- Do you accept dogs that are aggressive toward humans? What about other forms of aggression?
No, we do not accept dogs with aggression toward humans. The liability of a dog biting a staff member or person in a public place is beyond what we are willing to risk. Dogs with aggression such as dog-on-dog aggression, resource guarding, and other forms of behavioral issues may be accepted on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. If a dog is enrolled with aggression of which was not disclosed prior to placing a deposit, it will be ejected from the course and the deposit will be forfeited to pay for the vacant spot in the course. If you have questions or are uncertain if your dog would be accepted, please contact us.
- Can you train my dog to be protective of me or my family?
We do NOT offer personal protection or training that would teach a dog to be aggressive toward humans or protective of its family. We specialize in obedience training and proper etiquette for pet dogs.
- Do you train small breed dogs? How about giant size dogs?
Yes. We accept all breeds of dogs regardless of size. There is a $200/month fee for dogs enrolled that are over 100 lbs OR if a dog is large enough it requires a colossal size crate. We want to make sure that every dog that comes to our Academy is comfortable, well rested, and has plenty of room to sleep overnight or while not in training. If you are unsure on crate size or whether your dog may need a colossal size crate, please feel welcome to contact us.
- Will you train my two litter mate dog's?
No. We do not accept litter mate dogs that live or reside in the same home. Two dogs from the same litter that live in different households are permitted, however litter mates living together will not be accepted for training.
- Can you housebreak my dog?
Housebreaking a dog can mean a lot of different things, depending on the person or household. To most, it means being able to leave a dog to roam or be free (unsupervised) with good behavior. In other words, NOT chewing on household items, having accidents, barking at windows, digging in the trash, etc. Puppy camp and boot camp will not teach a dog to make moral decisions nor will it teach a dog how to behave unsupervised. Our camps will teach a dog how to respond to commands, engage in proper etiquette, and take direction from humans. A housebroken dog comes from conditioning a dog to rest while the owner isn’t home via crate training, use of commands to demonstrate proper behavior(s), and through maturity. These things come with time, age, and reinforcement of what your dog will learn at our Academy. Every dog is different; however, we will give you the tools, training, and know-how for your dog to become housebroken.
Food, health, grooming, & immunizations:Expand all
- Do you provide the dog food? Can you help me estimate the amount of food my dog will need during camp?
The owner is required to provide enough food to last the duration of their dog’s stay at the Academy. If the owner does not supply enough food and their dog runs out, Academy will feed a dog food (kibble) of its choice and availability, and owner will be billed $3 per day (+ tax) for kibble, or $5 per day (+ tax) for kibble if dog has colossal size accommodations. The cost will be added to the final balanced due at graduation. Please understand, we would much rather the owner(s) provide enough food so we can keep the dog on its intended diet.
We recommend providing more than what you typically feed at home due to the rigorous nature of the daily activities during camp. For puppies, we suggest adding 20-25% extra from what is calculated below. For dogs over 12-months, we suggest adding 10-15% extra from what is calculated below.
We will return all food leftover at the end of camp.
Food estimation chart:
1.5 – 1.75 cups per day is approximately 1/2 pound of kibble OR 15-17 pounds of kibble per month.
3.0 - 3.5 cups per day is approximately 1 pound of kibble OR 30-35 pounds of kibble per month.
5.0 cups per day is approximately 1.4 pounds of kibble OR 42-45 pounds of kibble per month.
Note: these are rough estimates based on the size of the kibble (dye cut) and using a dry/level measuring cup.
- What kind of food is allowed for my dog?
The training tuition covers per/day feeding for standard kibble diets, kibble provided by the owner. If a dog receives a multi-vitamin (dry pill), or probiotic powder with its food, we will accommodate this for no additional fee.
All other special feeding accommodations, including, but not limited to, RAW diets, frozen food, wet food, canned food, eggs, wet items, liquid additives, or any other items that require mixing, or any items requiring refrigeration, a $10 per day (per dog) food preparation fee will be charged to the final balance due at graduation. Bulk frozen items must be broken up into individual meals/servings. We do NOT offer meal prep that involves cooking/reheating and cutting or chopping. Owners are required to include enough food to last the duration of the training course.
- What immunizations are required and what do I need to confirm my dog's immunizations are current?
We require dogs to be properly immunized in accordance with the protocol set forth by the state of Minnesota and the USDA. All dogs must be immunized prior to arriving at our facility. Vet records confirming your dog or puppy is current on immunizations is required 5-days before camp begins. If a dog or puppy will need a booster or vaccine while at our facility, we can arrange to have it administered by our vet.
Bordatella and Canine Influenza are not required by our Academy - click here to find out why. **Bordatella, kennel cough, and canine influenza vaccines, and boosters are NOT offered while dogs are at our facility. If an owner chooses to have these vaccines administered, we prefer they be administered
30-days (or more) before the course start date. We require a clear fecal sample dated within 45-days of the dog arriving for training. This information or testing can easily be provided by contacting your vet.
- Does my dog need to be spayed or neutered before it comes to camp?
The Academy highly recommends that all female dogs be spayed prior to starting camp on the scheduled start date. If owner elects to enroll an in-tact female dog who is in heat or becomes in heat during the training, the Academy will apply a $300 fee to the final bill to cover time, cost, and precautionary measures taken during the heat cycle. Further, owner assumes all risk by enrolling an in-tact female who is or may become in heat during the training.
- Do you administer monthly preventatives for fleas, ticks, and heartworms?
Yes. We require that all dogs be current on a flea and tick preventative during their stay at our Academy. Owners can provide the flea and tick preventative, or we stock a flea and tick preventative by the brand Frontline, and can provide a monthly dose for $20/month.
A heartworm preventative is required during months when mosquitoes are present. The heartworm preventative can be administered during non-mosquito months, but it is not required. Heartworm preventatives are sold by veterinarians and by prescription only, owners will need to provide this during their dog\’s stay.
Note: These preventatives are administered on the weekly health check day that is closest to the 1st or the 15th each month, and owners can decide if their dog will be given preventatives the beginning or middle of the month.
- My dog has a long coat that requires brushing, maintenance, or bathing on a regular basis. Is this included? Can you groom my dog or perform stylized hair cutting?
The cost of the course is for boarding and training alone. If you have a long-coated dog, we recommend having the coat trimmed down to approximately 1/2 inch in length prior to beginning the course to help prevent matting. Routine brushing and bathing can be scheduled during boot camp, however, an additional fee will apply. We do NOT offer stylized hair cutting. At the end of camp prior to pick-up, owners can arrange to have their dog recieve a bath, ear cleaning, and nail trim for a fee. This service is recommended, if you would like your dog clean at the time of pick-up.
- Can you brush my dog's teeth while it is in camp at your Academy?
We do not offer teeth brushing as a service at our Academy. Owner provided dental chews are optional, however, they must be safe for your dog to chew on or consume in the crate unsupervised. Chew items are given overnight and unsupervised, so the owner assumes any and all risks associated by their dog having access to them while in our care
- My dog's ears need to be taped or glued to help them stand. Can you maintain them by taping or gluing during camp?
Due to the rigorous nature of puppy camp and boot camp, we do NOT allow dogs to begin while ears are taped, glued, or need assistance to make them stand. The focus of our team is on the training of dogs. The time it takes to tape, glue, or maintain ears to stand, are beyond what we can take on with camp activities. Further, it is not likely the taping or gluing would stay in place with play groups, nature hikes, and the daily training activities.